Genki Neutron series – studio mix of Toku Jo-Shigaraki together with porcelain from Kyoto and momigara (rice husks) with kaishou-doro (porcelain slip), high fired t0 1330℃, multiple firings of colored enamels and gold luster.
Atomic Spirits series – studio mix of Toku Jo Shigaraki, Kyoto porcelain and momigara (rice husks) with kaishou-doro, high fired 1330℃, multiple fired colored enamels & gold luster.
The Colors-n-Gold series – studio mix of Toku Jo Shigaraki with Kyoto porcelain, high fired to 1330℃, multiple firings of colored enamels, gold, platinum, and silver lusters.
Selected pieces from my first ten years of creating ceramics in Japan. Toku Jo Shigaraki fine stoneware or Kyoto porcelain, high fired between 1280 – 1330℃.